Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs
Cynthia Thomas
Consultant/ Educator , CTE Consultants LLC.
joined 7 months ago.
Cynthia Thomas is the owner of Cynthia Thomas Education (CTE) Consultants and Assistant Professor and Work-Based Learning Program Coordinator for the Career and Technical Educator Preparation Department at SUNY Oswego. She ensures new educators are equipped with the knowledge and skills to equitably educate future generations of CTE students and provides culturally responsive work-based learning and career coaching services for post-secondary and adult education workforce programs.
Cynthia is an Ed.D. student at the University at Buffalo, focusing on Learning and Teaching in Social Contexts. She also supports CTE and workforce awareness in NY as the Post-Secondary representative for the NYS Trade & Technical Teachers Association and board member and coordinator for the NYSACTE Fellowship Program.
Cynthia is committed to advancing the CTE and workforce industry and developing strategies to support learners and families in marginalized communities.