Posted in Strategies for Addressing Communication Challenges
Think of a time when you had to facilitate a difficult conversation with multiple stakeholders who had different perspectives. What happened? Would you have handled it differently in hindsight? What advice would you give someone in this position? What new strategies have you learned in this module that you plan to apply to future meetings with multiple stakeholders
I recently had to facilitate a meeting with multiple stakeholders with different perspectives. The meeting's goal was to discuss ways to increase recruitment, retention and morale of an organization. Unfortunately, it did not go well as not everyone was on the same page on the direction of the meeting. In hindsight, I would create a meeting agenda that includes objectives in order to better communication the goals. In the future, I hope to be more clear and concise in order to avoid miscommunications.
I recently had to facilitate a meeting with multiple stakeholders with different perspectives. The meeting's goal was to discuss ways to increase recruitment, retention and morale of an organization. Unfortunately, it did not go well as not everyone was on the same page on the direction of the meeting. In hindsight, I would create a meeting agenda that includes objectives in order to better communication the goals. In the future, I hope to be more clear and concise in order to avoid miscommunications.