Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs

Jaime Schmeiser

SUNY Sullivan
joined 8 months ago.


Recent Activity:

Posted in Inspiring Leader Attributes

During my last employment situation, I was able to work as a partner with other vital economic developers in our county. The one leader who was most inspirational and motivational was someone who, having years of experience under his belt, advocated for diversifying our economic development efforts. Our county once was a thriving vacation and tourism hotspot, but during the 60s and 70s, when affordable air travel became a reality, it had lost its edge and became an eyesore.  A lot of stakeholders longed for the good ol days and worked to make the county into what it once was. But over and over again, they were not successful.  Until this economic developer came in and pinpointed some industries that could be very successful in our county.  Over the last 10 years, they worked tirelessly with special interest groups, the county and community stakeholders, and businesses interested in relocating here, but we did not have the proper infrastructure to attract those businesses.  By working with each individual stakeholder and educating them on what could be, patiently addressing the naysayers and the NIMBY citizens, he was able to secure a twenty million dollar grant to improve the infrastructure in our community so that we can start the economic development of diversified businesses.  He is my hero for his patience, and his foresight to create the economy that would work best for our county.

Posted in Expanding Your Leadership Skills

I will need to revisit my portfolio more often to assist me with  my leadership skills in my new domain and position.

Posted in Job Analysis

I would have used the job analysis process when I worked for the Chamber of Commerce and was trying to bring all of the sakeholders together to resolve the under employed and soft skill lacking issues that they all were complaining about.

Posted in Using Data to Determine Regional Talent Demand

I have been reaching out to small businesses in my position as a Chamber of Commerce President, the largest businesses in the area and determining what the largest needs are on both sides of the equation.