Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs

Kassandra Purcell

Saratoga County Career Center (Employment & Training)
joined 7 months ago.


Recent Activity:

Posted in Career Pathway Systems Challenges and Successes

One of the biggest challenges to a Career Pathway Model is that industries have been changing rapidly with technologies. Therefore, many of the institutions that are providing the training/education for industry credentials have to adapt quickly. However, many of the institutions providing these services have limited funds and/or rely heavily on donations to get the updated technologies. As result, many of the institutions can produce individuals that still require some on the job training because they lack skills needed with newer technologies. 
One of the successful components of the Career Pathway Model is that it provides an individual with a clear entry and exit point that fits them exactly where they are at. 

Posted in Job Analysis

I would have used when working with clients to provide skill matching based on previous employment and their current interest. I also could have used it when developing an employment plan for clients interested in a career change. 

Posted in Using Data to Determine Regional Talent Demand

To determine regional talent demands I would use data to determine what occupations/industries have prevalent understaffing or lack in new workers into the workforce. I would then use the data to develop occupational pipelines collaborating with local businesses and educational partners. The pipelines would be supported by young workers but also by dislocated workers. 

Posted in Data Experts

NYSDOL, WDBs withing the Greater Capitol Region, Chambers of Commerce within the Regional Area, Career Centers within the region, higher education institutions, Cap Region and WSWHE BOCES, School Superintendents