Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs

Laura Peña

Business Services Project Manager, Goodwill Industries of Houston
joined almost 6 years ago.


Recent Activity:

Posted in Career Pathway Systems Challenges and Successes

The biggest challenge was recruiting. Individuals do not always see the value in a free training. A big success has been hearing back from the individuals that put their trust in me, our career pathway and the employers. Some started an entry level at $12.00 per hour and 2 years later are earning $22.00. 

Posted in Job Analysis

job analysis reports could have helped me establish, document and improve employment procedures such as training, selection, compensation, and performance. They would also help me support the needs of the employers we serve.

Posted in Using Data to Determine Regional Talent Demand

I would like to learn more about the impact of gas and oil prices have on jobs here in Houston, Texas. This is an industry that has a large range of jobs and many sectors.