Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs

Roberto Gonzalez

Career Navigator, Goodwill Industries of Arkansas
joined 8 months ago.


Recent Activity:

Posted in Career Pathway Systems Challenges and Successes

Changing the negative mindset of others to one of positivity and hopefulness. Instead of them dreading the journey to get to where they want to go, I want them to be excited and look forward to all the accomplishments they've made so far to get to where they want to go.

Posted in Best Practices in Critical Thinking

I had to use critical thinking all the time in the military when it came to dealing with not having the right tools or parts to fix vehicles in our deployed location. Would sit back, assess the situation, see what was available, and make sure we could get the work done with what we had. I wouldn't rush any of my troops into doing anything if it was unsafe or if the work wasn't feasible. 

Posted in Strategies for Facilitating Difficult Meeting Conversations

I've lead and dealt with many meetings before. I would always give everyone a generic topic breakdown of what we were going to be discussing and allotted time for everyone to be able to voice their opinions and be able to resolve any differing views.  

Posted in Inspiring Leader Attributes

Use facts, not personal opinions when it comes to situations like this. Show numbers and charts and provide factual/logical reasonings as to why you they should trust your input.