Equipping education, workforce and HR professionals to unlock access to better jobs

Tiffany Swink

Business Partnership Manager, Say Yes Buffalo/CareerWise Greater Buffalo
joined over 1 year ago.


Recent Activity:

Posted in Career Pathway Systems Challenges and Successes

Challenges are specific to my region. The area I live and work in is much rooted in the "old way" of doing things and is very slow to change. Embracing an apprenticeship program as a means to workforce development, that is not a traditional internship, is foreign and still new. 

Posted in Strategies for Addressing Communication Challenges

One of my staff and I were not seeing eye to eye on how to complete an assignment. We both felt it should be done in a particular way, from our own perspectives. I sat down with my staff member and asked them to detail out for me their process from start to finish, including timeline requirements. After hearing them out, I was able to trust their process and ability to manage the assignment in the way they deemed best for them, which achieving the outcome I desired. Our working relationship strengthened after that and our communication also improved. 

Posted in Strategies for Facilitating Difficult Meeting Conversations

I have not had much conflict, sending the agenda ahead of time really helped with that. I would also request input on items to add to the agenda ahead of the meeting, and I would stick to the agenda thereafter. 

Posted in Inspiring Leader Attributes

My current Executive Director. He has been successful by being consistent, action oriented, honest, transparent, and showing positive outcomes. These behaviors have built trust within the community at large and amongst potential partners and stakeholders.